2015.12.05 A类大作文范文Many people today believe that there is a general increase of anti-social behaviour and a lack of respect for others. What are the reasons of this issue? What can be done to improve this?【现在反社会行为越来越多,并且人与人之间的互相尊重也在逐渐消失.你认为这...
这些著名的各地景点你都会读了吗?人生不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方~~~ O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 你和你的小伙伴们是不是被小雅哥的文艺范给惊呆了!童鞋们不要惊慌哦 ,keep calm and listen to me!~ 许多童鞋的爱好都是全球各地到处旅游,可是有些地名的发音经常让烤鸭们感到混淆和困惑,...
2015.11.21 A类大作文范文Some say parents should be punished if their children break the law. Do you agree or disagree?【家庭类话题又来咯~此次的题目要求大家讨论家长们应不应该因为自己的孩子违法而受到惩罚.问题虽然看似常规,却也要小心审题和构思.如果一不小心全篇都在讲家长...