V51142074 Important national building in your country (8月新题)Describe a national building which is important in your countryYou should say:Where is this important building?When was it built?What's the main function of this building nowadays?And explain why it is so important in your country.V...
#墨尔本无忧雅思光荣榜#【连续两次都过4个7】恭喜墨尔本无忧雅思学员Cindy Zhai在7月12日和19日的考试中都通过了4个7!~只要懂得正确的方法,无论哪场考试都能轻松灭七!实力无疑是最重要的一个part!~小伙伴们加油吧!无忧小雅哥祝大家都能早日屠鸭成功!更多雅思光荣榜请输入...
【2014.7.26 A类写作范文】Some people think environmental issues are too big for individuals to solve, others thinks individuals also can do something for these problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Environmental issues are possibly the most important debate of the twenty-first cen...
【Just】Just在我们的日常对话中出现的很多,但是它写作里只能算是一个填充词,因为它本身没有任何实际意义.这种多余只会削弱你原本想表达的意思, 删掉Just只会让你的句子看上去更简洁有力.【Really】又是一个口语上经常会用的词,经常被用来强调我们想说的内容.不过在写作当中...
1. Usually [ju: u li]这是比较难纠正的一个发音.考生通常将这个词读做 [ju:ru li]./ /的发音是个难点.同类错误包括:treasure, pleasure2. Thing [θi ]这个词经常被读为 [si ] [sin]./θ/的发音是难点,经常被读为/s/.同类错误包括:theatre, Thursday, theory, theme, throat, thread, think, thank, thirteen, thir...
Photography大多数的中国学生,可能都会把这个单词念错.很容易都会把这个单词念成”photo-graph-y”.但事实上,这个单词的音标为[ fə'tɔgrəfi ],重音在”to”上.Ensuite这是一个法语词汇,所以同学们不会念也显得情有可原了.千万不要把这个单词的音发成”in-suit”,正确的读音...
8月要攻克雅思的童鞋注意【7月30日】雅思7分口语写作强化班还有最后2个名额,墨尔本无忧雅思微信 mel51ielts,助您短期内攻克雅思 :)【2014.7.26 A类小作文】图表题,中国,日本,法国三国的high speed train track的建设公里数,在1990,2010和2020年.【2014.7.26 A类大作文】So...
#墨尔本无忧雅思#2014“说说您与雅思的故事”有奖征文活动即日开启,欢迎小伙伴们积极投稿!文章体裁不限、字数不限,你可以分享与雅思的不解之缘,与雅思君的分手故事,或者备战雅思的心酸历程,甚至只是吐吐槽.没有任何限制,只要是你的心声! 【8月8日】 之前将你的文章发给...
Some people believe governments should make people go on a diet and others believe it is an individual's responsibility to diet or stay healthy. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Health and fitness are an important aspect of daily life, and for this reason, some argue that mandated dieting ...
Some people argue that younger people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while others think it is a good idea. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.As people face different challenges in life, they grow and learn from their experiences in a way that helps to face the u...