点击上方蓝色字体关注我们吧!—————————————————————具体详情,欢迎联系我们咨询!The ACT Occupation List – August 2014 has now been released. There is also a comparison of the occupations now in demand in Canberra, compared with the February 2014 list to as...
点击上方蓝色字体关注我们吧!—————————————————————移民局通知部分签证的申请邮寄,通讯地址更改. 生效期28/07/2014.DIBP changes of address, post boxes and faxes - multiple subclasses Changes of addresses, post office boxes and fax numbers have been announ...
点击上方蓝色字体关注我们吧!—————————————————————澳洲职业评估机构TRA, 就已经3年以上的过期职业评估,发表最新声明如下:TRA is unable simply to re-issue a skills assessment outcome letter with a revised date. To satisfy DIBP requirements, it must establish th...