口语第三部分,是考生的攻坚战.抢夺制高点,大比例的分数都分部于此,所以是决定考试过关的关键.该部分不再像前部分的和风细雨,而是转变到一个需要“激烈'讨论一些社会话题的阶段.许多'前辈'就义牺牲的原因,就是没有准备好话题表达,没有应变的技巧. What kinds of jobs ar...
What kinds of jobs are well-paid\popular in your country? From my viewpoint, there are a variety of occupations whose payis higher than normal ones.(主题句亮相) (展开观点)The first one, I think, is actors in entertainment industry.They make huge amount of money from films and advertisemen...
有不少同学关切地问,年底都会考些什么话题的?我们说:照下面的题目去准备、练习!1Do you like staying alone? What do you usually do when you are alone? Who influence you more, teachers or classmates? Why? Do you forget some important things? If so, how can you remind yourself?a job ...
设身处地,假如你是雅思考官 - 苦逼地从一个城市考点飞往另外一个.每天面对成百上千的 '学抓'.你重复地问他们:how are you today? 他们却异口同声:I am 20 years old. 你再问:Where did you put your mobile phone? 他们答:under floor. 好吧,这算是中国福利吧... 拜托!早点到...
最近口语里问起住在机场的影响,你说闹心啵?俺们家都是住在名校旁边,至少是地铁上盖.Researchers have known for years that exposure暴露 to excessively-loud noise can cause changes in blood pressure as well as changes in sleep and digestive消化 patterns -- all signs of stress on the hu...
自从9月份新题开盘以来,在不少童鞋里留下一片计算不出来的阴影面积.知己知彼百战百胜.可是,我们知彼不知己,胜算就缩水了.即便是题目有了,可是没有去准备,没有去提高和充实答案,考分就可以预测了,不是吗? 既然知道了考官无节操,我们就要防备着不'失身'.有道是:Ch...
雅思时有考查我们如何应对有关政府该如何使用国库公帑,如公屋、博物馆、图书馆、学校等公共设施的拨款.相信下面这篇美文可以帮助大家理解澳洲的公屋处置现状,最重要的是学会相关的表达、讨论,以达到考场上我们得心应手,左右逢源. Vacant state-owned residential properties 空...
墨尔本有一位市民,在他的老屋子房顶,安装了一套很环保的的太阳能板.却遭到City Council的禁止,法院勒令他拆除,理由是这种做法违反了有关保护老房子以及邻居利益的法律.请君细读一下摘自【The Age】的报道: An inner-city resident's bid to live green 环保自居 has been curbed ...
What gifts are you going to give to children?I don't have any intention or plan to prepare presents for children, I'm afraid. Oh yes! yes! I remember, I need to buy a gift for my cousin's newborn baby next month. She is my uncle's daughter. I was told she would give a birth in weeks. I' gonna buy a toy whi...