Austrade Job Vacancy:Job Title: Senior Investment ManagerJob Location: BeijingJob Level: AOPL4 Austrade Beijing office has an exciting job opportunity as a Senior Investment Manager. This role is a key investment promotion role to attract and facilitate investment into Australia by companies b...
(文章来源:驻悉尼总领馆经商室, 图片来源:stock journal) 澳大利亚《新快网》6月4日报道,在上周于上海举行的亚洲最大的有机贸易展中,澳大利亚的有机产品大放异彩.澳大利亚全国可持续农业协会(National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia,简称NASAA)总裁科普...
Austrade Job Vacancy: Job Title: Business Development Manager (Agriculture Sector)Job Location: BeijingJob Level: AOPL3 Austrade is looking for a professional Business Development Manager to join our Beijing team.This position, based in Austrade Beijing office, will report to the Trade Com...
2015年6月4日第四届亚太养老金论坛在京举行.此次论坛由澳大利亚养老金协会(The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, 简称ASFA)主办,由澳大利亚贸易委员会全程支持.同时,该论坛还受到了中国基金业协会、中国银行业协会养老金分会的大力支持.此次论坛可谓大咖...