“It's paradoxical, that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn't appeal to anyone.” – Andy Rooney, Broadcaster「矛盾的是人們都想長壽,但沒有人想變老.」– 安迪·魯尼 (媒體人)澳大利亚移民局公布了457签证的具体改革方案其中重要内容包...
“I don't know what the big deal is about old age. Old people who shine from the inside look 10 to 20 years younger.”– Dolly Parton, Singer「我不知道年老有什麼大不了的,內心散發出光輝的老人看起來年輕 10-20 歲.」– 多莉‧芭頓 (歌手)Aesop 的门店设计可能是化妆品业界最有看头的...
“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expecting to give, which is everything.”– Katharine Hepburn, Actress「愛和你預期得到什麼沒有關聯,它只和你預期給予什麼有關聯,而這是最重要的部分.」– 凱瑟琳‧霍頓‧赫本 (女演員)如果想要继续留在...
“Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.”– Norman Vincent Peale, Minister「口袋空空從來不會限制一個人的發展,只有腦袋空空和心裡空空會達到此效果.」– 諾曼‧文森特‧皮爾 (牧師)哈维斯教育學院是註冊的培訓機構,提供國家認可的...
“Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving.”– David Ogilvy, Advertising Executive「絕不停止測試,而你的廣告絕不會停止進步.」– 大衛‧奧格威 (廣告總裁)霧霾問題一直困擾大陸不少地區,最近一齣有關霧霾的紀錄片亦成為網絡熱話.有指百度正在研發一款防霧...
“Write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble.”– Benjamin Franklin, Statesman「把你受的傷害寫在沙子上,把你受的恩惠刻在大理石上.」– 班傑明‧富蘭克林 (政治家)案例近期格瑞絲接到一個學生阿偉匆忙跑來問:「我剛念完大學,我的學生簽證3月15日到期,但是我不想繼續念...