一、前言和单边结构一样,双边结构也是雅思作文中的常见题型之一,在分析题型的基础上,如何使用雅思写作模板,淡化雅思写作模板痕迹,是大家需要思考的问题.本文就双边结构和大家探讨如何淡化雅思写作模板痕迹.二、分析真题链接:In some countries children are engaged in some...
我的观点2014年12月最后两场口语考试精准预测!覆盖率达到100%PART 11.Name 全名,含义,未来换否, 什么名字在中国.比较流.行? 2.Study or work 上学上班?如果上学,问专业,上学第.一天经历了什么,是否喜欢这所学校? 如果上班,问这份.工作是.一直想要的,工作内容,参加过培...
2014年11月22日A类大作文A类题目:Shopping online is replacing shopping in store. Do you think it is a positive ornegative development?Online shopping, which allows people to shop as long as they are connected to the internet, has become popular in the modern society and is expected to repl...
雅思写作素材-电视利与弊Does television play a positive or negative role in the modern world? Arguments 1. Television is now playing a very important part in our lives. 2. Television is not only a convenient source of entertainment but also a comparatively cheap one. 3. Television keeps one infor...