随着对外汉语逐渐热门,与之相近的TESOL专业也越来越成为学生们争相追捧的对象.TESOL是Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages的缩写,由TESOL协会的授权机构认证并颁发,是全球公认的ESL(教授英语为第二语言)教师职业资格证书,其技术水准代表了英语教学技能...
Chinese women who are dating non-Chinese guys often express various issues which displease them – and the issues are mostly due to cultural differences and a lack of understanding. One of our forum readers from Pakistan sent us a list of what he considers the ten most common complaints of C...
随着对外汉语逐渐热门,与之相近的TESOL专业也越来越成为学生们争相追捧的对象. TESOL是Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages的缩写,由TESOL协会的授权机构认证并颁发,是全球公认的ESL(教授英语为第二语言)教师职业资格证书,其技术水准代表了英语教学技...
根据TIMES及QS2014排名综合来看,澳大利亚40所大学有24所大学排名世界500强,另有三所大学排名位于500-700之间.★ 从综合排名来看,澳大利亚八大名校(Group of Eight)无疑是澳洲最好的院校.澳洲八大名校中有七所排名世界前100,其中四所大学跻身前50,阿德莱德大学屈居104...