今天是教师节,一起用这些名言表达你对老师的感激与尊重吧.These quotes make us realize how blessed we are to have the presence of teachers in our lives. How else would we be in a position to appreciate the beauty in these quotes if it weren't for our teachers?这些寄语让我们意识到我们的...
"I'm a real go-getter who always thinks outside the box, demonstrates thought leadership, and proactively motivates myself!" If this sentence made you cringe, you're not alone. These phrases come from the new CareerBuilder survey on the best and worst résumé terms.“我是一个真正的实干家,...
Sweet September甜美的九月(选自《英语世界》2015年第9期)文/哈尔•白兰德 译/唐毅 By Hal BorlandSeptember is more than a month, really; it is a season, an achievement in itself. It begins with August's leftovers and it ends with October's preparations, but along the way it achieves speci...
有很多人大学毕业以后都觉得自己的大学生涯都是白白浪费掉了,不知道自己该干什么也不知道自己到底干了什么.所以为了不虚度年华,以下是给大学生的5个建议.5 Rules for the College Student in Your LifeSome say college is wasted on the young. So many of us look back at our own colleg...