1 March 2015 PriceIncrease effective 1 April 2015 Dear Valued Customer Over the past 12 months, the cost for UMF Manukahoney has continued to increase as global consumer demand rises. In response tothe rise of raw material prices we are required to increase wholesale andsuggested retail ...
品牌历史2002年新西兰的两姐妹Sarah Gibbs和Catherine de Groot创建了Trilogy化妆品品牌.在此期间,她发现玫瑰果油具有卓越的护肤效用,同时还研发出一套用以萃取出不含任何杂质、最为纯净的玫瑰果油的方法.Sarah和漂亮的编辑妹妹Catherine分享了这一发现.两姐妹深知找到了未来...