Academic QualificationsQualificationAbbreviation1Level in NZ termsPoints under SMCBachelor degree (学士学位) 1985 - 1992Certificate of Bachelor degree (学士学位证书) 1993 onwards2(With the exception of the degrees listed below)B750Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine 动物医学) ...
下表显示了过去三个月以来办事处在 25 天内完成审理的申请百分比.Percentage of visa applications processed within 25 days 25天内完成审理的签证申请百分比Visa type 签证类型March 2014April 2014May 2014Student 学生签证94%94%94%Work 工作签证91%92%93% 在某些情况下,如...
Qualification Abbreviation* Level Points under SMC Bachelor Degree (学士学位) B 7 50 Master Degree (硕士学位)** M 9 60 Doctoral Degree (博士学位) D 10 60 Note: Award certificates must be provided in their original language for all qualifications.All honorary degrees must be referred...
2013年底,新西兰移民局方面完成了对长期短缺职业名单(Long Term Skill Shortage List,简称LTSSL)和即时短缺职业名单(Immediate Skill Shortage List ,简称ISSL)两项技术移民职位名单的重审,最终,含助产士在内的14个职位被移出长期短缺职业名单,含咖啡厅和餐厅经理在内的5种...