If you're lacking that “get up and go” we may have just the 如果您总觉得疲劳不想出门,我们可能可以帮到您...Maca is a superfood that is simply quite magical. This ancient Peruvian root vegetable has been used for its nutritional benefits for centuries by one of the oldest civilisations on earth, th...
Air pollution can harm health through causing free radical damage to cells within the body when air pollutants are absorbed through the lungs. Free radicals are chemicals that can travel through the body and cause great amounts of damage to healthy cells. Free radicals are generated by ultraviolet ra...
Bees make more than just honey. They also make an amazing substance called Propolis. And this "bee glue" has powerful healing properties . 蜜蜂不是只生产蜂蜜,它们同时也制造出有着神奇力量的蜂胶.这种胶质有着出色的愈合能力.Bees make propolis by gathering resin from trees and ...
1. Abdominal bloating腹胀2. Body odour狐臭3. Constipation便秘4. Trouble digesting fatty foods高脂食物消化不良5. If you've had your gallbladder removed 胆囊移除患者6. Acid reflux/heartburn反酸/灼热7. Low energy levels with no explanation 无原故的乏力8. Food allergies or food sensitiviti...
New Year is time when we particularly want to look and feel good and for some of us that can mean wanting to shed a few extra kilos. It can be confusing about what we should or shouldn't do to lose weight.在新年里,我们都希望精神抖擞,体态优雅地出现在别人面前.而对一些人来说,需要摆...
While some may have a genetic advantage in the quest for youthful skin some simple secrets are at hand for anyone to promote a radiant complexion. 了解皮肤基因所需,就能轻而易举地拥有白里透红,容光焕发的肤色.Healthy glowing skin comes not only from a careful skincare regime but also ...
Colds and flu, sinus infections, sore throats, lingering coughs are all symptoms of winter and are caused by viruses. If viral infections seem to target you, you may need to improve your immune system.感冒、流感、鼻炎、咽喉疼痛和咳嗽等病症都是由病毒引起的并影响到一整个冬季.所以需要提高...
A lot of us have moments when we don't feel as sharp as we used to. We forget things we would've previously remembered; places we've been to, people's names or even where we put something. Sometimes words are on the tip of our tongue, but we just can't quite bring it to the front of our...