1. 背景开头法n Text response: 作品介绍(名称、作者、体裁、大致内容)Larry Watson's novel “Montana 1948” tells the reader a story from David Hayden's perspective about how loyalty and justice can be conflicting.n Context: Identity & Belonging基本概念的介绍One's identity is always...
Alkanes family as set of saturated hydrocarbons of general molecular formula CnH2n+2 Where n is integer The alkenes have the general molecular formulaCnH2n, where n is an integer现在报名期末班,依然可以享受优惠价格哟!!!详情请电话咨询.咨询电话:61(3)9670 1013(10:00-17:00)咨...
Semistructural formulas When wewant to summarise the structural formula of a compound withoutindicatingthe three-dimensional arrangement of atoms, we can use asemistructuralformula. • In a semistructural formula, the carbon atomsand the attached hydrogen atoms, are listed in the order in wh...
尼克·武伊契奇(Nick Vujicic),译名为力克·胡哲,1982年12月4日生于澳大利亚墨尔本,“生命不设限”(Life Without Limbs)组织创办人、著名残疾人励志演讲家.他天生没有四肢,但勇于面对身体残障,创造了生命的奇迹.出生意外尼克·胡哲出生于1982年12月4日.他一生下来就没...