JAC by Jacqueline ConoirWinter 2015 goes InternationalJune7-9,JAC Winter 2015 sales conference is about to launch!6月7-9日,JAC 2015冬季新品发布会即将启幕! JAC'S INSPIRATIONMEETING YOURSELF(FOREST JOURNEY)Life is are filled with noise that pulls us into multiple directions....
欢迎加拿大BC省国际贸易厅厅长率领代表团访华!JAC by Jacqueline Conoir welcomes, Honorable Teresa Wat , Minister of International Trade responsible for Asia Pacific Strategy and Multiculturalism to its flagship store2013年5月14日,屈洁冰当选为列治文市中心选区议员,并于2013年6月10...