申请华威大学研究生的同学请注意,研究生申请费支付需要通过国际信用卡进行网上支付.大学不接受银行转账.请大家提前办理国际信用卡(MasterCard,Visa)如果网上支付失败,可以通过电话方式进行支付.Automated Telephone Payment Line: please phone 0845 0040 357 (or +44 845 ...
Warwick Mathematicians awarded Philip Leverhulme prizesDan Král's 教授和David Loeffler博士被授予Philip Leverhulme 奖以表彰他们在数学方面做出的杰出贡献.The Philip Leverhulme Prizes commemorate the contribution to the work of the Trust made by Philip Leverhulme, the Third Viscount Le...
上周,最近频频登上头条的华威大学赛艇队在伦敦举办了2015年日历的启动仪式.英国著名影星Ian McKellen爵士也前来为这本全球最受关注的日历捧场造势.- 这是华威大学赛艇队发布的第五本日历- 拍摄日历的初衷只是为了给赛艇队购置新的训练器材- 他们的日历已经在全球77个国家进行销...
11月3日-11月8日,斯诺克王中王比赛Champion of Champions Snooker将在考文垂理光球场上演终极较量.包括奥沙利文、塞尔比、丁俊晖、傅家俊、特鲁姆普、希金斯、戴维斯在内的众多名将都将才加该项赛事.去年奥沙利文获得了首届比赛的冠军.比赛详情请登录官网↓
2014 China Career Development WorkshopThe British Council China is going to run a series of career development workshop in the UK from 7th to 12th November 2014.HR executives from major employers in China have been invited to give an overview of the competitive job market in China, talk ...
MSc Behavioural Finance(previously known as MSc Finance with Behavioural Science)Explore how the science of human behaviour is affecting the finance industry.Why do people and financial markets behave in the way they do? Gain a thorough grounding in finance while exploring the theoreticall...
金融时报2014最新EMBA排名榜单揭晓,华威商学院上升两位来到世界第19,成为英国第一的EMBA课程.华威商学院的MBA和EMBA课程在就业上也取得了突出表现,在职业晋升方面位列世界第三.In the Financial Times 2014 global ranking of Executive MBAs published today, Warwick Busi...
华威大学哲学系2年级学生Zara Yaqoob被选为即将在都柏林举办的Web Summit的“学生学者”. 想成为学生学者可不是那么容易,Zara从超过10,500名申请者中经过层层筛选,脱颖而出.Web Summit被称作世界上最棒的科技峰会,将会吸引到科技和商业方面赫赫有名的人物参加,包括Petre...
除了微信之外,我们在微博上会发布和学校相关的各种讯息.搜索“英国华威大学”就可以找到我们啦!此外,我们在优酷上也有自己的主页,赶快搜索一下吧!If you have access to Facebook, Twitter & Youtube, you can also find us easily. :)Facebook: www.facebook.com/warwickuniversityTwitt...
每个学期华威大学国际办公室都会组织去英国其他城市的周末游.第一学期的安排如下:11月1日 WinchesterWinchester is a charming, relaxing small city in the South of England. Its cathedral is impressive and its historical Great Hall is worth seeing. Or you could go on a guided tour of its famous tr...