What is ELSA ?ESLA ESLA考试即“英语第二语言水平考试(English Second Language Assessment)”, 是加拿大纽宾士域省(New Brunswick, CA)在华的高中毕业考试,用于评定考生运用英语的能力.通过者将获得其颁布的加拿大高中毕业证(需提前缴纳$3000的认证费).合肥高新...
学生是画,在画卷中成长;学生是歌,在歌声中欢乐;学生是舞,在舞动中翩跹.The students are like lively paintings and they grow up in it; they are fine songs and they gain happiness through it; they are elgant dancers and when they are dancing they are like pretty birds.2015年9月20日上午8:0...
学生是画,在画卷中成长;学生是歌,在歌声中欢乐;学生是舞,在舞动中翩跹.The students are like lively paintings and they grow up in it; they are fine songs and they gain happiness through it; they are elgant dancers and when they are dancing they are like pretty birds.2015年9月20日上午8:0...
学无止境,教学相长.Knowledge has no limit, teaching benefits teachers as well as students继2015年六月深圳市南山区教育局教研室主任郑秉捷校长前来我校进行专业培训之后,为了使我校教师更好地传道授业解惑,让中加学生快乐学习、高效学习,开学不久,我校再次请来了资深教育专家...
还记得今年的国际夏令营吗?我们还依稀记得你们可爱的笑脸你们纯真的眼神你们清秀的面庞很快,你们将再次相见于中加未来的日子里,希望你们携手共度同甘共苦,互帮互助中加学校里将留下你们最美丽的身影与足迹We love you so much and we know you love us as well,let's grow up togeth...