#双语阅读#准备坐飞机的小伙伴必需知道的5个短语又到了假期季,小伙伴们是不是都计划好了出行计划呢?需要坐飞机的小伙伴们注意啦~今天的文章你们一定要好好学习哦,不然听不懂飞机人员说什么可就麻烦咯This is the season when many people pack their bags, buy airline tickets and fly ...
#双语阅读# 再不学点于马相关的口语,马年都走了Apart from dogs, the British love horses so it's no surprise that there are so many idioms associated to this majestic animal.除了狗,英国人还喜欢马.所以英语里有很多和马相关的习语.I've decided to concentrate on those idioms that are als...
#英语学习#25个最常弄错含义的单词 (三)11. TerrificWhat you think it means: Fantastic, good.你认为单词的含义是:妙极了,极好的.What it really means: Horrific, to inspire fear.单词的真正含义是:可怖的,令人害怕的.This is another one that we expect will be changed in the dictionary eve...
#新生报到#12月1号报到新生#新生报到#虽然临近年假,不过艾斯柏林还是那么的热闹呢,这次是12月1号报到的新同学,由左至右: Micaela (阿根廷), Morris (韩国), 以及 Victoria (韩国).欢迎各位加入艾斯柏林大家庭!! — 摄于艾斯柏林语言学院New students starting from 01st D...
#英文学习#25个最常弄错含义的单词(二)6. BemusedWhat you think it means: Amused.你认为单词的含义是:愉快的.What it reallymeans: Confused.单词的真正含义是:困惑的.This is one of the many words on this list that will make you strongly dislike the English language. Despite looking ...
#英文学习#25个最常弄错含义的单词(上)1. IronyWhat you think it means: Something that is funny.你认为单词的含义是:滑稽的事.What it really means: Contrary to what you are expecting.单词的真正含义是:事与愿违的.This is a famous one becauseso many people get this wrong so often. It...
#双语阅读#学习英语的“捷径”还有一周就要放假咯~不过,放假期间也不可以放松英语学习哦.今天就来和大家分享一下前辈们总结的学习英语的“捷径”Improve your Pronunciation改善发音方式Choose a paragraph and read aloud.选择一个段落并大声朗读.Choose a paragraph and mark e...
#双语阅读#Times评选:2014年最伟大发明(上)即将过去的2014年里,科技日新月异.TImes的闲人编辑们又开始各种评审了~~今天让我们来看看那些已经或者可能会给我们的生活带来重大改变的新发明吧~The Real-Life Hoverboard1.浮空滑板The hover board—a type of skateboard that levitat...