BA Fashion Student Wins EcoChic Design AwardSecond-year student Kévin Germanier has won this year's EcoChic Design Award, organised by fashion NGO Redress. Kévin, who is studying BA Fashion at Central Saint Martins, represented the UK at the sustainable fashion design competitio...
MA Fashion Retail students inspired by Burberry flagshipThe Burberry Regent Store visit organised early November, for the MA Fashion Retail Management cohort was an entry into the threshold of a luxury 'phygital' world.The visit was a true understanding and viewing of how the luxury brand inc...
时尚管理在时尚圈-----时尚管理与传媒国际预科Guest Lecture Week话及时尚产业Fashion圈,第一个冲进你眼睛的词是什么?是Dior,Chanel?是AlexanderMcqueen?是傲娇严苛的时尚主编?是满世界飞的时尚买手?是斤斤计较的时尚零售大亨?是金钱至上的拜金名媛?又或是万人瞩目的维多...
2015伦敦艺术大学导师走进校园系列活动之“好的设计是少的设计”第一站:北京服装学院 新年伊始,总结展望,为了更好更直接的帮助更多的优秀学生进入伦敦艺术大学获得学习或交流的机会,伦敦艺术大学北京代表处开展了“伦敦艺术大学导师走进校园”系列活动.伦敦艺术大学坎伯韦...
从北服到中央圣马丁 - 尹曼琦同学硕士申请成功经验分享 就读于北服大四视觉传达艺术设计的学生尹曼琦同学,在12月初结束的面试中喜获伦敦传媒学院(LCC)平面媒体专业硕士(MA Graphic & Media Design)和中央圣马丁(CSM)视觉传达专业硕士(MA Communication Design)双录取...
中央圣马丁学院面试官Val Palmer, UCCA, Inside-Out——蒋礼之伦艺北京硕士预科侧记二 终于在圣诞假期得闲来写日记,之前的日子,节奏略快,内容略多,是时候整理一下了.第一件事重要的事必须是中央圣马丁的Val Palmer老师,她同时也是伦敦艺术大学的面试官,一个性格非常强势的女...
UAL Edit Interview: Isaac JulienBorn in London, Isaac Julien studied painting and fine art film at St Martin's School of Art. Nominated for the Turner Prize in 2001, he has been awarded numerous prizes, including the Semaine de la Critique Prize at Cannes, the Performa Award, and the Frameline...
我眼里的 “伦敦艺术大学北京硕士预科” ——蒋礼首先介绍一下我自己,我叫蒋礼,目前就读于伦敦艺术大学硕士预科课程,其实我早在入读此课程前拿到了CHEMA平面设计专业的offer了.虽然我已经有了硕士offer,我觉得我依然需要学习,因为中国的教育和西方的教育太不同了,所以一直...
Eye Contact – Camberwell graduate Peter Hudson's great vision for the Wellcome TrustAn amazing video installation created by recent Camberwell graduate Peter Hudson will be staring back at you from the windows of the Wellcome Trust's central London headquarters this summer. Eye Conta...
3周冲刺中央圣马丁--- 服装设计专业作品集集训营Fashion DigitalPortfolio Master Class 伦敦艺术大学中央圣马丁学院由于知名度及申请率的不断提高,本就以竞争激烈闻名的服装设计专业在今年改变了申请流程,对迷恋中央圣马丁的粉丝们提出了新的申请要求:提前查阅申请者仅10页的电子...