[景点介绍] Wells-Next-The-Sea是炎炎夏日度假的天堂,这里的海滩魅力十足,向每一个前来的旅客敞开热情的怀抱.这里的海滩静谧迷人,沙滩柔软细腻,城市美丽耀眼,风景令人心旷神怡;这里还有隐约显现着渔民身影的海湾,以及乘风破浪的帆船,一切美得像画一样.在5月这个黄金季节...
五月初,应清华大学美术学院鲁院长邀请,伦敦艺术大学CCW副院长(坎伯维尔学院、切尔西学院、温布尔登学院)David Webster访问清华大学美术学院. 会谈中,David介绍了伦敦艺术大学在学生培养和教学方面的经验.他说,和中国相比,英国更注重基础知识方面的教育.在本科之前的...
Wimbledon postgraduate Fine Art alumni Chris Cawkwell and Esperanza Perkins will be showcasing their work at Ventura Lambrate, as part of Milan Design Week. The stand, which is coordinated by the Enterprise Collective, will also exhibit work by Camberwell and Chelsea graduates.“We live in...
LCF Careers and course leaders at the college have been considering how to help students get creative opportunities abroad, and they've come up with an exciting new award. The Global Outlook Award funds students to take their work to a new country and develop a creative project or creative sk...
BA (Hons) Fashion Contour students Sophie Beet and Louise Strudwick recently won a design competition with London-based lingerie brand Playful Promises.Students were briefed to “Think pretty bondage; flowers and restraints, delicate embroidered lace and harder textured wet look fabrics”,...
The Broomhill National Sculpture Prize was launched in 2009 by The Broomhill Art and Sculpture Foundation. With an annual prize fund of £15,000 along with valuable professional support, it's no wonder why this competition can be seen as an important platform for emerging sculptors. This year ...
Recent MA Textile Design Rhiannon Hunt has won the inaugural SCAP Extending the Life of Clothes Design Award, awarded by the WRAP. Open to students and professional UK textile and fashion designers, the award allows the winner to progress their work and develop it for a commercial mark...
Penelope Wilton won Best Actress for her role in Taken at Midnight at the Theatre Royal Haymarket. She gave a harrowing and steely performance as a mother fighting for her incarcerated son in Nazi Germany.John Dagleish was named Best Actor in a Musical for his portrayal of The Kinks frontma...
展览介绍:此次展览是“Chelsea Space”展区春季项目的第二个展览,William Allen与Chelsea Space策展团队共同策展.Ken Cox,一位英国“有形的诗歌”运动中很有影响力的雕塑家,他也是使用动力学原理制造出诗歌机器的发明者,这个机器可以让字母像实物一样在空间中移动.1968年...
温布尔登学院舞台设计硕士课程导师,Michael Pavelka是一名非常成功的舞台设计师,他曾为160多部作品设计了舞台场景,这其中有许多新编的戏剧或音乐剧.他也同时是伦敦艺术大学的讲师,于是他把自己专业的工作经验与教学内容做了完美地结合.他希望通过自己的新书《所以,你想成...