英国人素以“绅士风度”闻名,为了礼貌,英国人不得不把whitelies挂在嘴边.最新研究证实,英国人平均每天要说谎四次!但是,我们从这些little lies中却可以学到不少短小精悍的地道口语表达.让我们一起跟着英国人学“吹牛”吧~ Researchers found the average Briton tells on average four li...
上周Tina问了大家最喜欢的歌,很多同学都和Tina分享了属于自己的音乐,今天Tina跟大家分享Tina心中最好听的歌,这首歌帮助Tina走过一些不顺利的路,希望给现在处于人生低谷的孩子们带来一点安慰. 下面是歌词:Lost touch with my soulI had no where to turnI had no where to goLost sight...
very good, very beautiful, very...Tina知道你想强调...但是作家们发话了,very这个词是词汇匮乏和懒惰的表现!作家们是这样吐槽very的:Mark Twain:Substitute 'damn' every time you're inclined to write 'very;' your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.马克·吐...
1、Nobody in a movie ever uses a toilet. Ever. Unless it's a comedy.电影当中,没有人会上厕所.从来没有,除非是在喜剧当中.2.If you get shot in a movie, you can carry on fighting by tearing off part of your shirt and tying it around the wound.如果在电影当中受伤了,你会从自己的衬衫上撕下...