这个歌单是UK单曲在60周年时评出来的,非常之经典,同学们可能会觉得这些歌有些老,其实当你不喜欢一首歌的时候只是我们还不懂这首歌. 30. Celine Dion – My Heart Will Go On (Epic, 1998) 排行榜成绩:两周冠军 上榜周数:20周 销量:148万 作为好莱坞著名电影《泰坦尼克号》的主...
在英国,甜品就如阳光、空气和水一样不可或缺.我们所有在英国正餐上受到的伤害,都可以从甜点上弥补回来.1.Scone康饼(Scone),它的名字是由苏格兰皇室加冕的地方,一块有长久历史并被称为司康之石 (Stone of Scone) 或命运之石 (Stone of Destiny)的石头而来的.司康饼可...
1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament (27 percent)死在议会大厦内属违法行为.(what!!!) 2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down (seven percent)将印有英国国王头像的邮票倒贴在信封上是一种叛国行为.(Really?) 3. In Liverpool, it is ille...
Grade F but A+ for creativity:An exam that fails in accuracy but passes in creativity 答题不及格但创意十足:回答不准确但很有创意的考试答卷 Q1. In which battle did Napoleon die? 拿破仑死于哪场战役? His last battle. 他最后一场. Q2. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed...