SK四月份明星学员EvanEvalution Month:Apr.2015 Class&Teacher:K4-3,Teacher: Bee BerryGeneral comments(总评):It brings me joy to announce that Evan in K4-3 is the Star student. I remember when I first started teaching Evan, she barely knew any English-close to nothing, but today she is ...
SK四月份明星学员MurphyEvalution Month:Apr.2015 Class&Teacher:K3-1,Teacher: Emmett SandyGeneral comments(总评):Congratulations to the Murphy won the qualification of April's star students. In class, she raised hands to answer teacher's questions and participated in the games in t...
SK四月份明星学员AliceEvalution Month:Apr.2015 Class&Teacher:K3-2,Teacher: Bee SandyGeneral comments(总评):Congratulations to Alice for the April star student qualification. She is a smart girl who can learn English quickly. In April, she has made great progress, she is very active in clas...
SK四月份明星学员WendyEvalution Month:Apr.2015 Class&Teacher:K4-2,Teacher: Emmett MinnieGeneral comments(总评): Wendy is one of my favourite students to teach.She has a great attitude and is always ready to learn.I really love the cadence of her voice when she is reading the story ....
家长们请起立,Ready!Go! “Hello ,everyone!My name is ……” 为了配合小朋友的英语学习,跟孩子们一起快乐成长,各位帅爸美妈,让我们一起来! SK纯外教的家长英语口语班,报名开始了,帮你解决出国、接待客户、辅导孩子的问题,赶紧行动起来吧! 详情请咨询020-84875006 或SK...