根据加拿大会议局(Conference Board of Canada)与贵湖大学(Universityof Guelph)食品研究所,针对17个经济合作与发展组织(OECD)成员国进行的食品安全排名,加拿大的食品安全体系被列为世界上最好的,与爱尔兰在该榜单上并列第一.该报告采取比较研究的方法,将加拿大与其...
Immigration has always been an important part of Canada's economic growth, but over the past decade, Stephen Harper has turned his back on welcoming those who want to contribute to our country's success. We will take immediate steps to reopen Canada's doors, and will make reuniting familie...
加拿大前五大银行是:1. RBC - Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大皇家银行2. TD - Canada Trust 道明加拿大信托银行3. Scotiabank - Bank of Nova Scotia 加拿大丰业银行4. BMO - Bank of Montreal 蒙特利尔银行5. CIBC - Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 加拿大帝国商业银行 如今五大银行中的...