Final Exam Week Officially Begins期末考试周拉开帷幕18号早晨同学们按规定的考场和座位表有序地进入班级,开始了为期三天的期末考试,对同学们四个月的所学知识进行最终的检测.第一科为十年级的英语考试和12年级的化学考试,考试过程中同学们遵守考试纪律,认真仔细斟酌每一道...
The Laba Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth month of the lunar Chinese calendar. "La" is the name given to the 12th lunar month and 8 is pronounced as "ba" in Chinese, which translated is "Laba." There are several legends about the origin of ...
12月22日全天,长春市实验中学国际部将举行圣诞节庆祝活动,撕名牌、心有灵犀、吃香蕉比赛、几碗胡辣汤、萝卜蹲更有激烈的CS比赛和文艺表演,以下为活动时间安排简讯:On Dec.22th, Changchun Experimental High School Internation Division will hold the Christmas Party, the picture bel...
2015年11月18日下午加拿大新斯科舍省圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学中国地区招生官Donald来我校进行了宣讲会.Donald针对学校的专业设置及奖学金和录取要求进行了非常详细的讲解. November 18th, 2015, the China Admission Advisor Donald Rasmussen from St. Francis Xavier University came...