2015年5月7日,长春市实验中学加拿大高中2014届毕业生张哲铭、付鑫淼、崔璨利用假期回国之计,回到母校来看望母校教师和学弟学妹,借着此机会我校也邀请他们给同学们开展了学习交流讲座.On May 7, 2015, Kevin, Amy and Connie, who graduated from Canadian High School of Chang...
您好!我们很荣幸地邀请您参加将于8日在加拿大高中举办的“第2届指环王杯演讲比赛”决赛现场. 加入我们,一起为参赛选手加油助威,见证指环王的诞生! Hello! We are going to hold The Second Lord of the King Speech Competition, and it is our honore to have you attend us on May 8th. J...
【长春市实验中学国际部加拿大高中特色生物课】趣味无限,精彩继续.Biology Lesson—the Drama of Taxonomic System 生物11课堂又增添新内容,目前,学生们学到了课程当中的生物分类学部分,2015年4月29日30日两天,在Grace老师的组织和带领下,学习生物11的学生们,按照不同...
International Labor Day (also known as May Day) is a celebration of the international labour movement and left-wing movements. It commonly sees organized street demonstrations and marches by working people and their labour unions throughout most of the world. May 1 is a national holiday in m...
China's Model Worker Representatives of Different Ages 不同年代中国劳动模范的代表Wang Jinxi 王进喜(1923-1970)After the discovery of Daqing Oilfield in 1959, he headed drilling crew to Daqing and completed the drilling of the first production well "Well Sa-55" within only five days and fo...
升学喜报 长春市实验中学加拿大高中2012级学生赵海伦同学获得加拿大滑铁卢大学预录取通知书!Congratulations to Helen get offer from Waterloo University!长春市实验中学国际部对每一位学生入学后都做了细致的规划和指导,并根据个人兴趣做了精细的在校培养,才使每一位学生三年后收...