英国医学杂志中文版2013年2月第1期What do you say when giving a talk at a university where you once worked? To speak about publishing, research, and the BMJ would be quite straightforward It was a privilege to be invited and great to catch up with old friends, but did I have any additional messa...
英国医学杂志中文版2015年7月第7期李丹麑 译中华医学会学术会务部-----英语谚语“一天一苹果,医生远离我(An apple a day,keeps the doctor away)”源自威尔士谚语“睡前一苹果,此后百病消”,可考版本见于1866年.不过代代相传的老话也不见得就是真理,发表在JAMA Internal Medic...