For the most part, those affordable homes wereclustered in inland areas of the eastern half of the United States—inparticular Illinois, Michigan,Indiana, and other Midwestern states—as well as pockets of Nevada,Utah,and Wyoming. (We based local market calculations on local marketincomes.) In th...
将一座19世纪的小教堂改建成独一无二的3居室私宅,佩服这对夫妇的精致创意和对美好生活的执着追求.看这无处不在的彩绘拱形玻璃窗,处处述说着它自己的故事,曾经有多少心灵在此被洗涤,多少忏悔多少祝福在这拱顶白墙间回荡.Every home has a story to tell, what's your story?cissy_ya...
将一座19世纪的小教堂改建成独一无二的3居室私宅,佩服这对夫妇的精致创意和对美好生活的执着追求.看这无处不在的彩绘拱形玻璃窗,处处述说着它自己的故事,曾经有多少心灵在此被洗涤,多少忏悔多少祝福在这拱顶白墙间回荡.Every home has a story to tell, what's your story?