A letter to our daughterMARK ZUCKERBERG·TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2015Dear Max,Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already giv...
继感恩节(星期四)、黑色星期五和网络星期一之后的周二,被称为Giving Tuesday(给予星期二),今年是12月1日.人们通常会做一些捐助活动,在这一天,邮箱里铺天盖地的都是号召捐款的eamil,似乎要把这个Giving Tuesday做成一个全球性的活动.Now in its fourth year, Giving Tuesday ...
Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday美国的感恩节,每年11月的第四个周四,是很重要的家庭团聚的节日.今年,是11月26日.感恩节似乎有点象咱们的中秋节,强调团圆,而圣诞节则象春节,气氛更浓,还有各种礼物......象咱的大假前后一样,通常在感恩节前的周三和节后的周日会...
美丽的苹果玫瑰花,做法超简单.可以自己吃或拿来送礼,一定很受欢迎!教程来自 “Cooking with Manuela", 点击原文链接查看英文网页及视频.http://cookingwithmanuela.blogspot.com/2015/03/apple-roses.html试着读读英文菜谱,后附中文菜谱.白人大姐的手好大:(Ingredients: to make...