【北京四中北美合作学校选介 三】大学预科高中 The College Preparatory School大学预科高中 学校简介:该校位于加州的奥克兰市,学校地处市区中心,然而环境却安静优雅,与世相隔,给学生提供了良好的学习环境.2010年福布斯杂志因为该校在校园设施建设、全方位学术成果方面的卓越...
(接上文)提问环节问题一:如果要去美国上高中的话,考TOEFL Junior大概多少分才能被Wasatch Academy录取呢?回答:We don't require a TOEFL/ TOEFL junior score. We are trying tode-emphasis on our school the reliance on test scores. Again, what we look for is the presentation of you...
(接上文)So let's talk a bit more about the importance of developing the entrepreneurship. We have come from an age where we have large industries, where the workers came together and they did the same thing over and over, working on the assembly line. More and more today, our factories h...
美国著名中学-瓦萨奇中学校长来华讲座感谢各位家长和同学对四忠培训的关注!应四忠培训邀请,美国名校瓦萨奇中学(Wasatch Academy)校长 Joseph Loftin先生将于2014年7月23日晚6:30在北京四中国际校区(北京市西城区西铁匠胡同甲2号,地铁复兴门站东南出口,远洋大厦南侧)举办...
四中国际校区资深骨干教师Scott SearerGood morning everybody; my name is Scott. I have been teaching in Beijing for ten years now, and have just finished my second year at Beijing #4 High School International Campus.After hearing what Dr. Prettyman and Miss Isler had to say, I would like to me...