TOEFLRepublic 人人主页为托福考生和英语爱好者提供考试预测与回忆,原创双语百科视频, 作文范文与批改,口语模考,精品备考资料,YY频道托福名师免费公益课程以及留学活动等!人人主页地址:微博地址:搜索"TO...
美国有良多的大城市,基本上每个城市都有自己的别号.这些别号大都与该城市的历史、地舆、社会习俗等因素有关.这些美国的城市名及别号假如泛起在托福听力中,大家就可以联想到相关的文化背景,节省托福听力时间. 阿伦敦(Allentown): 水泥城(Cement City) 阿格伦(Arkron)...
WHEN dozens of countries refused to sign a new global treaty on internet governance in late 2012, a wide range of activists rejoiced. They saw the treaty, crafted under the auspices of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), as giving governments pernicious powers to meddle with and ce...
HE DIED a much-loved Englishman, renowed for his untidy shock of white hair, his shambling wanderings on Hampstead Heath with his dog Dizzy, his devotion to literature, and the modesty that allowed him, when leader of the Labour Party, to stand in his anorak waiting at the bus stop. Deep into ol...
“MUNICH was radiant,” wrote Thomas Mann, a Nobel prize-winning novelist, in 1902. “Art swayed the destinies of the town.” The German city, which rivalled Paris as a magnet for artists in the early 20th century, also swayed the destinies of the artists drawn there from as far away as Russia an...
TOEFLRepublic 人人主页为托福考生和英语爱好者提供考试预测与回忆,原创双语百科视频, 作文范文与批改,口语模考,精品备考资料,YY频道托福名师免费公益课程以及留学活动等!人人主页地址:微博地址:搜索"TO...
TOEFLRepublic 人人主页为托福考生和英语爱好者提供考试预测与回忆,原创双语百科视频, 作文范文与批改,口语模考,精品备考资料,YY频道托福名师免费公益课程以及留学活动等!人人主页地址:微博地址:搜索"TO...
AS THE bankster phenomenon has so eloquently illustrated, Homo sapiens is exquisitely sensitive to injustice. Many people grudgingly tolerated the astronomical incomes of financial traders, and even the cosmological ones of banks' chief executives, when they thought those salaries were earned b...
By general agreement, he was the greatest English judge since the second world war: the only man in the modern age to be, in short order, Master of the Rolls, Lord Chief Justice (head of the judiciary in England and Wales) and senior law lord in the House of Lords. But to himself, as he strode out at ...
TOEFLRepublic 人人主页为托福考生和英语爱好者提供考试预测与回忆,原创双语百科视频, 作文范文与批改,口语模考,精品备考资料, YY频道托福名师免费公益课程以及留学活动等!人人主页地址:微博地址:搜索"T...