【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic今天晚上,国王君和Tom君将在江苏南通大学8号楼205 ,晚上7点 ,(江苏省南通市崇川区区啬园路9号)与大家聊聊有关出国留学的话题还有留学考试方面的问题!欢迎各位同学有时间都来听听哦,近距离感受大神的魅力!最新巡讲动态请关...
【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic 每日答案都不一样,大家练习起来哦~S1: What suggestions would you give to your friend who wants to improve his/her scores in class?To improve your scores, first of all, be sure to take notes during class! No matter how well you're paying atte...
【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic 今晚,国王君和Tom君相聚杭州-浙江工业大学,与大家聊聊出国的那些事情哦~~ 有兴趣和有时间的同学可以一起去听听 巡讲地址: 浙江工业大学屏峰校区 杭州市西湖区留下镇留和路288号广a101 晚7点 最新消息,我们也会通过以下方式,联...
【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic 昨日,国王君和Tom君已经结束了上海巡讲站,以下是巡讲系列之-上海站内容: Day 1-3 After saying our goodbyes to my parents, wecrammed into the giant Emirates Boeing 777 in Washington DC and took off forDubai. Following the 13 hour fl...
【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic全国宣讲的时间为5.26 - 6.11日, 为大家公布6.3号之前的行程.如果我们的两位创始人来到你的城市,随时sign up来着我们玩!!今晚7点上海站--上海对外经贸大学!!以下是时间安排表:5/26 上海 -上海对外经贸大学松江区文翔路1900号c30...
【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic每天内容都不一样,每天都很精彩.大家好好练习哦~ S1: One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend?I would suggest this friend of mine to be diligent and strategic. It's important to be di...
【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic再次发条重复的微信~As promised!!原价1500元的四位美国常春藤英语教育学硕士带领的托福王国暑假班课程--现变身1美元!!根据步骤报名后,每天我们会抽取其中10人发放序列号!!得到序列号后大家就可以在以下这个链接1美元购买课...
【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic S1: People often feel home sick when they are away from home. What do you often do to deal with home sickness? I think the key to beating homesickness is keeping a positive attitude. More specifically, find an activity to do whenyou miss your fa...
【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic今天24日果真是超级好日子,寂静都是口语全中得节奏,意味着还又最后一套题!!所以大家一定一定要看哦!!!因为这几天论坛出现了问题,所以25日寂静已经传到了QQ群(321770768) 群共享,大家赶紧下载吧!!祝明天考试的同学有...
【Tips】请点击标题下面蓝字关注TOEFLRepublic每日内容都会不一样哦~~ S1: People often feel home sick when they are away from home. What do you often do to deal with home sickness? I think the key to beating homesickness is keeping a positive attitude. More specifically, find an activity to ...