寻:北美地区在产油田收购.要求收购规模五亿美金以上,常规非常规皆可.有一定的在产产量,并有较大的后续开发潜力.项目方的报价需符合行业定价惯例.Source:FuelFix HOUSTON —Continued global conflict in Syria sent oil higher early Tuesday, after Turkeydowned a Russian plane offi...
寻:北美地区在产油田收购.要求收购规模五亿美金以上,常规非常规皆可.有一定的在产产量,并有较大的后续开发潜力.项目方的报价需符合行业定价惯例.Best ThanksgivingEditor's note: Today isThanksgiving Day, it was from America, but we think it is a significant Day to allof us human...
寻:北美地区在产油田收购.要求收购规模五亿美金以上,常规非常规皆可.有一定的在产产量,并有较大的后续开发潜力.项目方的报价需符合行业定价惯例.Source: PennEnergyHOUSTON(AP) — The oil and gas industryis mired in its latest bust, with thousands of jobs evaporating like flares...