2015QS世界大学排名大全排名学校名称学校英文名国家/地区评分1麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology美国1002剑桥大学University of Cambridge英国99.42帝国理工学院Imperial College London英国99.44哈佛大学Harvard University美国99.35牛津大学University of Oxford英国99.2...
外教总结的留学文书写作16条提示1.慎用美式英语中一些含有否定意义的词汇Be careful of using words that have a negative meaning in American English. Theword “propaganda,” for example, means something like “government-controlledbrainwashing” in the US. (Your best choice is to use t...
不容错过的美国大学十大毕业典礼演讲精华语录(中英双语)史蒂夫·乔布斯 Steve JobsCEO of Apple Computers,Stanford University,June 12, 2005Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There...