#美中建交40周年# 历任美国总统访华:欧巴马总统任内三次访问中国

2019年03月05日 美国驻华大使馆

巴拉克·欧巴马(Barack Obama)总统在任期间三次访问中国。




在与美国驻华大使洪博培(Jon Huntsman)和中国驻美大使周文重沿着城墙快步攀登了30分钟之后,欧巴马先生表示自己已有所收获。“它让我们想起中国人民的古老历史,”欧巴马先生谈到长城时说,“它让你对很多日常事务有了很好的认识。在历史范畴中,这些事情微不足道。”他补充说:“我们在地球上的时间并不长,我们最好充分利用这些时间。”

 (Photo: @AP Images) 



President Barack Obama made three trips to China while President.  The first was a three-day, two-city tour of Shanghai and Beijing.  

He spent the first day in Shanghai and hosted a town hall-style event with Chinese youth at the Museum of Science and Technology.  Here he is pictured greeting students after his talk on November 16, 2009.  

While in Beijing, Mr. Obama met with President Hu, National People’s Congress Chairman Wu, and Premier Wen.  The President toured the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.  At the Great Wall, he visited the steep, curving Badaling section.  

This is the same section of the Great Wall visited by President Nixon in 1972 when he said, “My hope is that in the future, perhaps as a result of the beginning that we have made on this journey that many, many Americans...will have an opportunity to come here.”  

After a brisk, 30-minute climb along the wall with U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Zhou Wenzhong, Mr. Obama said he had gained perspective.  “It's a reminder of the ancient history of the Chinese people,” Mr. Obama said of the structure:  “It gives you a good perspective on a lot of the day-to-day things.  They don't amount to much in the scope of history.”  He added, “Our time here on Earth is not that long and we better make the best of it.”

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