
2019年03月01日 美国驻华大使馆

(图片: 联合国)

3月1日是#世界艾滋病零歧视日#。在今年的零歧视日到来之际,联合国艾滋病规划署强调,迫切需要采取行动打击歧视性法律。 在许多国家,法律导致一些人受到不同待遇,被排除在基本服务之外,或者仅仅因为他们是谁,其生活方式就受到过度限制。 这些法律否认人权和基本自由,因而具有歧视性。各国有道义和法律义务消除歧视性法律并颁布保护人民免受歧视的法律。2019年零歧视日活动要求人们采取行动,反对在其国家歧视的法律。 @联合国  



Zero Discrimination Day (1 March)

On Zero Discrimination Day this year, UNAIDS is highlighting the urgent need to take action against discriminatory laws. In many countries, laws result in people being treated differently, excluded from essential services or being subject to undue restrictions on how they live their lives, simply because of who they are. Such laws are discriminatory—they deny human rights and fundamental freedoms. States have a moral and legal obligation to remove discriminatory laws and to enact laws that protect people from discrimination. The Zero Discrimination Day 2019 campaign challenges people to act against laws that discriminate in their country. 

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