
2019年01月31日 文波英语


  1. 单数可数名词裸奔

比如jump to conclusion实际应该是jump to conclusions.

  1. 动词搭配用错

申请大学既不是apply a university, 也不是apply for a university 而是 apply to a university.

  1. 代词用混

His/her 都是Ta的。加上briefing前面Mrs/Miss/Ms 又不是很清楚,很多人就会弄混。

  1. 连词遗漏

并列的几个东西最后两个之间是要加and的,可是很多CCL真题回忆的文本会忘记最后and. 还有两个句子之间要加一个连词。There are many drug and alcohol use rehabilitation institutions. I will refer him to a school counsellor or a psychologist, and it will help him.

  1. 冠词遗漏

We do have an early learning centre but there are no positions available at this moment.

They may be eligible for a temporary contribution parent visa.

  1. 主谓不一致

Their fees are only half of ours. 真题回忆里甚至出现:Their fees is…

  1. 介词误用

I can put you on the waiting list. 不是in the waiting list.

  1. 单词误用

防晒霜你可以是sunscreen, 可以sun cream, 但是一定不能sunscream!



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