什么叫做RWC (验车纸)
Certificate of Roadworthiness (验车纸)
In Victoria a Certificate of Roadworthiness is generally required when a vehicle is sold or if a used vehicle is to be re-registered. This helps minimise the number of poorly maintained vehicles on the road.在维州当您需要卖车,或者您的二手车需要重新注册时,一张验车纸是必不可少的。验车纸可以避免不符合上路标准的车上路。
In some cases a Certificate of Roadworthiness is also required to clear a Vehicle Defect Notice or a Notice of Unroadworthiness. 在一些情况下,比如您收到警察开的 Vehicle Defect Notice 或者 Notice of Unroadworthiness时,也需要验车纸来解决这些问题。
To access information regarding the recently announced review into roadworthy certificates, go to Roadworthiness Reform Consultation Hub. 如果您需要知道更多最新发布的关于验车信息,请前往Roadworthiness Reform Consultation Hub。
Who issues certificates? 谁可以签发验车纸?
A Certificate of Roadworthiness can only be issued by a licensed vehicle tester, operating from a nominated garage or service station. See: List of the Licensed Vehicle Tester Locations. 只有持有执照并在指定修车行或者保养中心工作的验车人员可以签发验车纸。
When can a certificate be issued? 什么时候验车纸可以被签发?
The vehicle must pass a roadworthy inspection, then a certificate is issued. 车辆必须先通过上路许可检查之后才可以签发验车纸。
What is inspected? 验车都检查什么项目?
RWC 的检查与汽车常规保养和检修是完全不一样的检查,不是说有了RWC车子就没有任何机修与车身等维修问题。
The inspection is a check of the vehicle to ensure that key components have not worn or deteriorated and that the vehicle is safe for normal road use. 检查项目包括检验汽车的主要部件,确保没有磨损和损坏,并且可以安全上路。
A roadworthy inspection mainly covers the major safety related items, including:
wheels and tyre(车轮和轮胎)
steering, suspension and braking systems(方向,减震,以及刹车系统)
seats and seat belt(车座以及安全带)
lamps and reflectors(车灯以及镜子)
windscreen, and windows including front windscreen wipers and washers(挡风玻璃和车窗以及雨刷和洗涤器)
the structure of the vehicle itself(车身结构)
other safety related items on the body, chassis or engine. (其他与汽车安全相关的部件,如车身,玻璃,引擎等)
The roadworthiness test is not a check of the mechanical reliability or general condition of the vehicle. If you require a comprehensive check on the overall condition and reliability of the vehicle then you should arrange for a separate independent report such as those offered by the RACV, many Licensed Motor Car Traders (LMCTs) and other workshops.上路许可测试不包括汽车机械可靠性或者车整体情况的检查。如果您需要一次全面车况或者车稳定性的检查,您需要安排单独的第三方检查报告,比如RACV,或者其他持牌汽车交易商(LMCTs)以及其他修车厂等提供的报告。
The certificate does not mean: 验车纸不等于:RWC里不包括一下项目的检查。
that the vehicle is in top condition without any wear or deterioration. 车况优良并且没有任何磨损或损坏。
non-safety related accessories such as the air conditioner, rear window demister, electric windows and rear-window wipers are working. 与安全不相关的配件如汽车空调,后车窗除雾器,电动车窗或者后车窗雨刷都可以正常工作。
that the items checked during the roadworthy inspection will continue to function after the inspection eg. a brake light can stop functioning at any time after the inspection. 检查过的配件继续正常工作。例如,刹车灯可以在车检之后任何时间停止工作。
Please view the Vehicle Standards Information sheet: Roadworthiness Requirements. 详情请参照车辆标准信息表(Vehicle Standards Information sheet):车辆适合上路的要求。
What if the vehicle fails the test? 如果车辆检测不合格
If an item fails to meet the standard, the tester will issue a rejection report. You will be given seven days to repair the item/s rejected and return the vehicle to the tester for a second inspection of the failed items. If more than seven days elapse a complete inspection must again be carried out on the vehicle.如果车部件不符合标准,检验人员会签发一份车辆不合格报告。您需要在七天内修理不合格部件,之后,检验人员将重新检查不合格部件。如果修理时间超过七天,您将需要重新做一份验车纸。
How much does the test cost? 验车纸的花费是多少?
The cost of obtaining a Certificate of Roadworthiness is not fixed. It may depend on the age, type and condition of the vehicle being examined. You can ask for a quote from the licensed vehicle tester.根据车龄,车况,或者车的种类而不同,检验车的价钱不是固定的。您可以向持有验车执照的修车行询问报价。标准报价的范围在90到200之间都是正常收费。
How long does a certificate last? 验车纸的有效时间是多久?
A Certificate of Roadworthiness is current, for the purposes of a transaction, for 30 days from the date of issue.验车纸是为了车辆交易而签发的,有效期是从签发日开始30天内。
What about the Australian Design Rules? 什么是澳大利亚设计规则(车辆安全标准)(ADRs)
The roadworthiness test is not a complete assessment of a vehicle's compliance with the Standards for Registration, which, in most cases, are the Australian Design Rules (ADRs). The ADRs are a set of minimum standards for the construction of motor vehicles and trailers. In most cases compliance with these standards cannot be assessed by inspection alone.上路许可测试(roadworthiness test)并不是一项完全符合车辆注册标准法的检测。在多数情况下,ADRs才是一套检测汽车及拖车构造的并符合车辆注册标准法的最低标准。一般情况下,光做检查并不能达到符合这些标准。
Do you have a problem with the inspection or certificate for your vehicle?您对检查或者验车纸有什么疑问吗?
If you believe that your vehicle was not roadworthy when you were given a certificate, then take the following steps:如果您觉得您的车并不适合上路却被签发了验车纸,您可以遵照以下步骤:
Check first that the component in question is a roadworthiness inspection item. See: Roadworthiness Requirements。 Contact the tester who issued the certificate and explain your concerns. In many cases the problem will be resolved.首先请确认您觉得有问题的零件属于上路许可测试所检查的项目。请参照:车辆适合上路的性能要求。然后联系验车人员并询问相关事项。多数情况下问题都会得到解答。
If you have not resolved the issue, obtain an independent inspection from another licensed tester to support your claim and present a copy of this to the first tester.如果问题并没有得到解决,您需要从第三方检验人员那里取得能证明您想法的报告,并将这份报告交给第一位验车人员。
If the independent inspection confirms your concerns and the original tester will not cooperate, then contact the VicRoads Vehicle Fitness Section on 1800 816 727 or 13 11 71, or send a written complaint with supporting documents to VicRoads, Vehicle Fitness Section, 60 Denmark Street, Kew, 3101.如果第三方验车人员确认了您的想法,但第一位验车人拒绝合作,您可以打电话联系VicRoads Vehicle Fitness Section。或向以下地址递交包括证明文件的书面投诉。地址(VicRoads, Vehicle Fitness Section, 60 Denmark Street, Kew, 3101.)
More informationContact VicRoads Roadworthiness Section on如果您需要更多信息,请致电:1800 816 727