【Blackmores】获世界之星包装奖(WorldStar Packaging Award)

2015年04月19日 澳洲微生活

Blackmores获世界之星包装奖(WorldStar Packaging Award



你知道每5个澳洲人中就有1个为关节炎痛苦难当吗? 对于大部分来说,每天打开膳食补充剂的瓶瓶罐罐是一件很简单的事,但是对于关节炎患者来说,每一个动作都是那么的艰难。对此,Blackmores公司本着关怀用户的精神,流畅了产品的包装设计。感受到Blackmroes专业的出发点和态度的不止是欣慰的用户人群,我们世界包装组织(World Packaging Organization)也欣喜的关注到了这一点。





“想象一下有多少人患有骨关节问题,却在服用鱼油或者维骨力时还要为打开瓶盖而苦苦挣扎?”Blackmores 可持续发展经理 Jackie Smiles 如是说道。

“我们花费七年的时间和世界包装行业精英们,广大关节炎患者合作,旨在推出能让Blackmores骄傲的新包装——能有效延长产品的保质期同时能很好代替我们经典的标志性棕色玻璃瓶。Jackie Smiles 继续说道。



Blackmores wins WorldStar Packaging Award

Did you know an astonishing 1 in 5 Australians suffer from arthritis?

Opening and accessing vitamins and supplements may seem like a basic task, but for arthritis sufferers, it can be a daily struggle. Blackmores set out to design an innovative, yet simplified version of their packaging with sufferers in mind and consumers weren’t the only ones who have noticed.

We are proud to announce Blackmores has been awarded a WorldStar Packaging Award – the most prestigious prize in the global packaging industry. Our new innovative bulk pack design also won gold, silver and bronze medals across three categories at the Australian Packaging Design Awards.

The packaging took seven years to develop, refine, test and bring to market.

The result is an environmentally considerate polypropylene container that replicates the amber glass bottles that Blackmores products have been sold in since the company was founded in the 1930s - a look consumers strongly associate with the brand.

The trademarked design was developed for users with dexterity impairments with a unique grip on the rim and improved lid size. The tear band was designed so it is less effort to break and was secured to keep it out of the waste stream and protect wildlife.

“Imagine how many people take fish oil or glucosamine for joint pain who struggle to open the bottle?” said Blackmores Sustainability Manager Jackie Smiles.

“We spent seven years working with world leaders in packaging design and with sufferers of arthritis and are proud we could deliver a pack that is sustainable, improves the shelf-life of the product and replicates our iconic amber glass,” she said.

The judges at the Australian Packaging Design Awards added: “All of these improvements were made, whilst still maintaining the large label to communicate the product information and directions for use. Very impressive, congratulations to all involved.”






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