
2014年12月20日 OZDAD澳洲老爸美食材




Other than eating, what else does a Christmas feast have to offer? Come to the Arthouse and experience a traditional and unique experience! We'll be playing the Dirty Dice Gift Grab game, giving you the opportunity to win some gifts as well as steal gifts off others. More on that below.



First we can talk about the food that will be on offer from the 23rd to the 25th. We will have our normal A La Carte menu on offer during this period, which includes great roasts such as Ribeye with the bone on, roast chicken and roast leg of lamb (www.arthousechengdu.com/menu).

Roasts Need to book 1 day in advance.


Our Christmas Set Menu consists of the following:

THE ARTHOUSE不仅有丰盛的饕餮大餐等着你,还组织了别具一格的真正的互动欢乐经典!要知道,在国外,最好玩的圣诞节是有好多游戏的!其中你肯定没玩过的是:

疯狂的色子!Dirty dice!

Now the food is over, we can start playing the Dirty Dice Gift Grab Game. Here's how its played out:

Everyone brings a wrapped gift and it is placed under the Christmas Tree. The Arthouse will also be providing some gifts each day so you can buy them off us if you wish (20kuai - 50kuai).

Step2: Once everyone has arrived, everyone will roll the dice until they roll the same number twice and receive a gift.

Step 3: Now it gets dirty! A timer is set for 15 minutes and the dice keep going around the room to each person and if someone shakes a double they can steal an unwrapped prize from anyone. At the end of the allotted time, people keep the presents they have.

If there are children present, then we make sure every child goes home with a present.



  1. 参加12月24.25日ARTHOUSE圣诞派对的每一位客人需要每人带一份精心包装的礼物,当然,我们也会准备很多包装精美的礼物,20-50元不等,来了再买也不迟,想参加游戏的朋友就在这里购买就好了。当然,无厘头的老板会选择比如“又粗又大”肉肠,奇怪的布娃娃,巨型香蕉等无厘头的礼物哦,嘻嘻!凡从ARTHOUSE购买走的礼物,我们都会捐到国际儿童组织的。

  2. 所有的包装精美的礼物都放在圣诞树下,哇,好美!

  3. 然后,每一个人都有机会开始摇色子!平时喝麻了多次,就怕别人不知道自己手气有多好哇?来嘛,只要摇到双数的就可以从圣诞树下挑选一份礼物!随便选!

  4. 一轮一轮摇下去,很快,所有礼物都分发完毕,有的朋友可能手气好的很,礼物都堆翻天,有的可能一份也没有,没关系,这下才刚开始呢!!

  5. 然后,所有的礼物都将被拆开!什么,有的是香槟,有的是法拉利,有的是房产证⋯⋯?有的是***#¥%,别高兴的太早,现在游戏才刚开始!偷礼物环节正式开始!疯狂的色子开始继续摇动!

  6. 接下来会发生什么呢?大家来了就知道咯!每人将得到一个游戏卡,让你眼前一亮!欢乐多多,保证你没玩过!下次学到了,可以去各种朋友聚会里显摆哦!嘿嘿,我相信,这个游戏能成为下一轮堪比“俄罗斯轮盘”一般的游戏,不同的是,还是KIDS FRIENDLY!儿童适宜!




CALL:18602812601 for English


嗯,心动不如行动!过一个真正的圣诞节,怎么能错过THE ARTHOUSE呢!!!


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