#美中40年# 欧巴马总统卸任前最后一次访华/第五任驻华大使芮效俭

2019年03月12日 美国驻华大使馆

(Photo: @AP Images) 

#美中40年# #历任美国总统访华#

在巴拉克·欧巴马(Barack Obama)总统卸任前最后一次到访中国期间,他与中国国家主席习近平在中国杭州G20领导人峰会的间隙举行了双边会谈。两国元首交换了意见,确认了他们通过共同努力来建设性地管理分歧的决心,并决定在各种全球、地区及双边问题上扩大和深化合作。在一天的磋商之后,欧巴马总统与习主席在晚间漫步西湖的外交区域,并在一座凉亭里驻足品茶。这张照片记录的是2016年9月3日星期六,欧巴马先生在中国东部浙江省杭州市的西湖国宾馆。

40th campaign - President Barack Obama last trip to China before leaving office

During his last trip to China before leaving office, President Barack Obama met with President Xi Jinping for a bilateral meeting on the margins of the G20 Leaders Summit in Hangzhou, China.  The two heads of state exchanged views and affirmed their commitment to work together to constructively manage differences and decided to expand and deepen cooperation on a variety of global, regional, and bilateral topics.  Presidents Obama and Xi were seen going for a late night walk through the diplomatic compound on West Lake after a day of negotiations and stopped at a pagoda to enjoy a cup of tea.  Mr. Obama is pictured here near the West Lake State Guest House in Hangzhou in eastern China’s Zhejiang province on Saturday September 3, 2016. 

The fifth Ambassador to the PRC was J. Stapleton Roy.

J. Stapleton Roy 芮效俭;

August 20, 1991 – June 17, 1995

Fifth U.S Ambassador to PRC




State of Residency: Pennsylvania
Foreign Service officer
Appointment: Jul 2, 1991
Presentation of Credentials: Aug 20, 1991
Termination of Mission: Left post Jun 17, 1995

J. Stapleton Roy was born in Nanjing, China to American missionary parents in 1935. In 1956, he graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University, where he majored in history and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

He spent much of his career in East Asia, where his assignments included Bangkok, Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing, Singapore, and Jakarta. A three time ambassador, he acted as the top U.S. envoy in Singapore (1984-1986), the People’s Republic of China (1991-1995), and Indonesia (1996-1999) and in 1996 he was promoted to the rank of Career Ambassador, the highest rank in the Foreign Service. Ambassador Roy’s final post with the State Department was as assistant secretary for Intelligence and Research, retiring from the Foreign Service in January 2001 after serving the U.S. Department of State for 45 years. After his retirement, Ambassador Roy joined Kissinger Associates, Inc., a strategic consulting firm, as Managing Director in 2001.

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