Daniel Boddam是一位来自澳大利亚的建筑师、室内设计师以及家具设计师。他在悉尼创立了他的同名工作室Daniel Boddam Architecture,利用十几年的经验,在建筑、室内和家具方面创造进步和持久的设计。他的个人使命是通过设计来丰富生活,工作宗旨是通过简约的整体设计理念来提升生活环境。
Daniel Boddam is an Australian architect, interior designer and furniture designer. He founded his eponymous Sydney-based studio, Daniel Boddam Architecture, drawing on more than a decade of experience to create progressive and lasting designs in Architecture, interiors and furniture. His personal mission is to enrich life through design, and his work mission is to improve the living environment through the overall design concept of simplicity.
通过对功能和环境的理解,Daniel Boddam工作室创造了和谐优雅的生活空间。他们表示:“设计对人的心理的影响怎么强调都不过分。人们都会被美丽的事物所吸引,而远离那些觉得尴尬和难以承受的事物。设计应该被精心设计来帮助指导人们的日常体验,辅助和润色。”
Through his understanding of function and environment, Daniel Boddam creates harmonious and elegant living Spaces. The effect of design on one’s psyche cannot be overstated. We are attracted to things that are beautiful and retreat from things we find awkward and overwhelming. Design then should be crafted to help guide our daily experience, to assist as well as embellish.
Daniel Boddam在他的实践中体现了这一点。在学习建筑之后,他开始钻研美术,探索绘画和雕塑中的抽象形式。这种体验在他的设计中是显而易见的,他将对剪影和线性运动的深刻欣赏转化为物质世界。个体与空间之间以及内部元素之间的互动性贯穿于Daniel 的工作室实践中。他将建筑、室内设计和家具融合在一起,提供统一的服务,将客户的视野延伸到整个建筑空间。
Daniel Boddam embodies this in his practice. Upon studying architecture, Daniel delved into fine arts, exploring abstract forms in drawing and sculpture. This experience is evident in his design where a deep appreciation of silhouette and linear movement is transferred into the corporeal world. Interactivity – both between the individual and the space, and the elements within – permeates Daniel’s studio practice. Merging architecture, interiors and furniture, he offers a unified service that extends his client’s vision throughout the length of the built space.
Daniel Boddam被他在欧洲和美洲旅行时经历的不朽的建筑所感动。并且受到启发,创作了一系列的作品,捕捉了这些伟大的古典作品的精华。透过现代设计的镜头,他探索了古代世界的建筑理念,并将这些理念融入到他的家具中。Daniel Boddam喜欢使用三种主要材料:木材,金属和石头。这三种基本成分有非常不同的质量和特点。他喜欢木材的温暖和各种谷物的表现力,天然石材的坚固耐用和高度加工的金属的奢华对比。设计就是在一种材料上发挥创造力。把想象力变成有形的东西,这是一个既合理又不合理的过程。
Traveling in Europe and America, Daniel Boddam was moved by the monumental architecture he experienced there. And was inspired to create a series of works that captured the essence of these great classical works. Through the lens of modern design, he explores the architectural concepts of the ancient world and integrates them into his furniture. Daniel Boddam likes to use three main materials: wood, metal and stone. These three basic components have very different qualities and characteristics. He liked the warmth of the wood and the expressiveness of the various grains, the ruggedness of the natural stone and the luxurious contrast of the highly processed metal. Design is about being creative with a material. Turning the imagination into something tangible is a process that is both reasonable and irrational.