“Some people see prison as the place where criminalsshould be to teach them how to lead better lives. What is your opinion aboutthe main function of time spent in prison is punishment or rehabilitation?”
· introduce:
o 改写题目
o 重诉双方观点
o 陈述我的中立观点
· paragraph1
o idea:监狱可以有效减少犯罪率
o reason:监狱阻止罪犯进一步危险社会的可能性; 监狱作为惩罚手段,能让罪犯深刻记住自己的错误行为
o supportingexample:抢劫犯,被抓入监狱后,面临很长时间的囚禁,他们失去了自由也不再有机会危害社会。
o conclusion:作为惩罚手段之一,监狱确实可以让罪犯为行为买单
· paragraph2
o idea:教育可以和监狱相辅相成
o reason:法律意识的加强,可以让罪犯变得会考虑后果; 在监狱里教育罪犯,并尽快恢复正常生活
o supportingexample:相关统计资料显示,参加过学术或职业教育项目的囚犯的就业机会比未参加的囚犯高出约10%。
o conclusion:教育作为另一种手段,, 是确保囚犯为迎接工作场所的挑战做好准备的重要手段,让罪犯再次犯罪可能性降低。
· conclusion:
o 重述观点:教育和牢狱一个都不能少,才是监狱最终的目的
Inmate | 监狱中的囚犯 |
crime rate | 犯罪率 |
deterrent | (n)威慑 |
imprisoned | (v) 入狱 |
Prison sentence | 监狱惩罚
Offenders | 罪犯 |
Correctional | 补救性的 |
Commit crimes | 犯罪 |
behind bars | 在监狱里 |
In retrospect, the phenomenon of prison’s function has become a ubiquitous issue for debate. With the respect of whether considering it as punishment or rehabilitation, people hold divergent views. From my perspective of view, I believe that both approaches have their own distinctive merits and should play an integral role in tacking crime.
On the one hand, I would argue that prison is effective in dealing with offenders. To bemore specific, apart from rejecting the danger to society, prison sentence also teaches a person, who commits a crime, a lesson that unlawful actions have consequences. Murderers,for instance, must be imprisoned for many years and such a punishment may actas a deterrent. As a result, they know that they will face lass of freedom,social isolation and separation from their loved ones if they carry out such acriminal act.
On the other hand, I consider that education has a complementary role to play in order tolower crime rate. Educating criminals in prison does work as it can help them secure a good job after being set free and return to normal life as soon as possible. According tothe Australian Bureau of Statistics, the chances of finding employment areabout 10 percent higher among prisoners who have participated in either academic or vocational education programs than those who have not. Education, therefore, remains an important means to ensure that inmates are prepared for the challenges in workplaces. As a result, they are not likely to commit crimes again with a decent job.
In conclusion, having considered all the arguments above, I am firmly convinced that prison sentence and rehabilitation are both essential weapons to fight against crime.
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