
2019年03月05日 美国驻华大使馆

新学期伊始,我们家长俱乐部的新年第一堂课也要开讲啦! 这次,我们邀请清华大学附属中学的校长助理兼海外升学指导中心主任王实老师帮大家分析现在留学市场上的各种“误区”和“传说”并为大家厘清申请美国大学的思路和时间安排。欢迎所有对赴美留学感兴趣的家长,尤其是高一和高二的家长,前来参加。讲座以中文进。活动详情及注册请点击二维码:


March 12, 2019, Tuesday, 18:00 - 19:30, EducationUSA Parents Club Information Session — Clarifying the “Myth” of Applying for U.S. Colleges

All parents, especially parents of students in 10th and 11th grade, interested in studying in the U.S. are welcome to attend the first EducationUSA Parents Club information session in 2019. The Director of College Counseling Service and Assistant to Principal of Tsinghua University High School, Mr. Shi Wang, will help families separate fact from fiction when it comes to attending school in the United States. He will also help parents understand application deadlines and help you find the right school for your child.  

For more information and registration, please scan the below QR code. 

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