澳大利亚政府最新推出了机场退税手机App(TRS Applications)。只需在App中输入相应购物信息就会产生一个唯一的二维码,凭借此二维码就可以在机场退税处的专用通道快速办理退税。从此我们不用再排队了!
Tourist Refund Scheme applications
Tourist Refund Scheme
How do the apps work?
The Customs and Border Protection mobile and web Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS) applications (apps) allow you to enter the information required to lodge a TRS claim.
Using the apps you can enter:
your travel details
details of the goods for which you are claiming a refund of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and/or Wine Equalisation Tax (WET), and
how you prefer to receive your TRS refund.
The information will be stored in a QR code. This QR code is your TRS claim code. You must present your TRS claim code to a Customs and Border Protection officer at the TRS counter on your departure from Australia.
If you successfully enter your claim details using the web app, you will be able to use a dedicated queue at the TRS facility and your claim should be processed faster.
How do I access the apps?
Access the web app at My TRS Claim.
Download the Android version mobile app from Google Play.
An IOS version of the mobile app will be available soon from the Apple App Store.
Where can I use the web app?
TRS claim codes will be processed at the following international airports:
Gold Coast
Additional locations may be added in the future.