Three reasons to consider becoming an IB DP student |成为DP学生的三个理由

2019年03月01日 合肥加拿大国际学校

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The IB Diploma Programm (DP) is a rigorous, challenging, and balanced two-year university preparation programme for students aged 16 to 19. The IB supports its schools by providing outstanding research-based education, developing both disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding. Established in 1968, the Diploma Programme (DP) is the oldest of the IB programmes and therefore has numerous amounts of research to support why it is one of the best university preparatory curriculums in the world.

IB 文凭项目 (DP)面向16至19岁的学生,是一个严格的,具有挑战性的,且全面综合的两年制大学预科课程。IB世界组织为其体系下的学校提供高水平的探究为基础的教育课程,帮助学生学习和深入理解各学科和跨学科的知识。文凭项目(DP)成立于1968年,是IB课程中最早的课程项目。大量的研究结果表明它是世界上最出色的大学预科课程之一。

With a strong emphasis on research to support the benefits of this programme, here are THREE REASONS WHY YOUR CHILD(REN) SHOULD CONSIDER JOINING THE IB DP.

文凭项目非常侧重研究性学习,我们根据文凭项目这一特点带来的益处和优势在此列出了您的孩子应该考虑选择IB DP的三个理由。


1. CHOICE: The IB DP offers a variety of courses that are catered to the interests of each student. This means that students will take ownership of their own learning. Starting in Grade 9 and 10, along with working side by side to our university counsellors, students narrow the focus of their studies. We encourage students to work backward, with their university and career goals in mind. CISH also offers different streams besides the full DP, including IB DP course certificates and New Brunswick streams, for students that may want to focus more on extracurricular activities, such as art, sport, music, and technology.

选择:IB DP提供种类繁多的课程,以满足每个学生的兴趣。这就意味着学生是学习的主导者。从9年级,10年级开始,在大学升学指导顾问的辅助下,学生将逐步细化,具像化所选课程。通常,我们建议学生根据计划申请的大学和专业情况以及将来从事的职业倒推,以确定目前所选的课程。除DP文凭这条路径之外,对于想要专注于从事艺术,运动,音乐,科技等领域的学生,CISH还提供了多种可供选择的路径。比如,IB DP 课程证书和加拿大新布伦威克省高中毕业文凭。

“A common thread that emerged from participant life stories was that the IB has the potential to powerfully shape the lives of students who participate in its programmes.”

“从课程学习者的人生经历中提炼出一个共同的特点,那就是IB通过其项目课程,有力地塑造了其学习者的生活。” (Wright, K. 2015)


2. INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION: The IB is recognized and valued by universities around the world. They understand the rigors of the programme and the lifelong skills that DP graduates develop. These qualities translate to DP graduates being more prepared for university studies than their counterparts. Not only do IB DP graduates get into universities more frequently, but more importantly, the students are more likely to graduate from university and pursue post-graduate studies. 

国际认可度:IB在全球范围内得到大学的认可和关注。他们对该项目的严苛度和DP毕业生所具备的终身技能有着清晰的认识。这些特质使DP毕业生与其他竞争者相比,在面对大学课程挑战时,具有更加明显的优势。IB DP的毕业生不仅升学率更高,并且在大学毕业后继续深造研究的可能性更高。


“DP graduates were significantly more likely to persist and to complete college than their non-DP counterparts. Qualitative data also indicated that DP graduates were better able to adjust to the rigors of university coursework; students specifically highlighted a number of skills gained through participation in the DP, including critical thinking, time management, and research skills”.

“DP学生明显比其他非DP项目的学生更可能胜任并完成大学的学业。质性研究的数据也同时表明了DP毕业生能够在面对严格的大学课程时,更好地调整状态;学生特别强调了一系列在DP学习阶段所培养的技能,包括批判性思考,时间管理和各种研究技能”(Conley, McGaughy, Davis-Molin, Farkas and Fukuda, 2014)。


3. TEACHING LIFELONG SKILLS: By studying in the IB, students develop core skills to lead balanced and successful lives. Across the research, DP students have been cited as demonstrating the following skills:


  • an understanding of and appreciation for research     

  • presentation and communication skills

  • report writing skills

  • international-mindedness and cultural understanding

  • time management skills and organizational skills

  • critical thinking, inquiry, and problem solving

  • strong language and writing skills

  • a sense of responsibility for the community because of CAS

  • 对研究的理解

  • 演讲和沟通的技能

  • 撰写报告的技能

  • 国际胸怀和对文化的理解

  • 时间管理和组织能力

  • 批判性思考,探究和解决问题的能力

  • 较高的语言和写作技能

  • 通过参与CAS项目培养的社区责任感

“Compared to their non-IB peers, DP students generally perceived their classrooms as more rigorous, participated in more extra-curricular activities and had higher educational aspirations. Preliminary findings of DP alumni indicated that this group of students transitioned smoothly to college, had strong study skills and demonstrated self-efficacy and resilience.”

与非IB课程的同龄学习者相比,DP学生普遍认为他们的课程更为严格,要参与更多额外的课程活动并且有着较高的课程要求。关于已从DP项目毕业的学生的初步研究发现这些学生在从高中向大学生活学习的过渡更为顺利,有着更强的学习能力,同时也展现出更高的自我效能和韧性。- (Aldana and Mayer 2017)

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