“我们希望国际社会支持委内瑞拉人民和胡安•瓜伊多领导的过渡政府。1月23日,瓜伊多根据委内瑞拉自己的宪法宣布自己为委内瑞拉临时总统。他在国民议会和委内瑞拉人民的全力支持下作出了这一宣言。我们各国必须维护法治,支持委内瑞拉人民已确认为其合法的临时总统的领导人。我们希望尽快举行自由、公正的选举......今天我们呼吁安全理事会的所有成员支持委内瑞拉的民主过渡和临时总统瓜伊多在其中的作用。” 2019年1月26日,纽约,蓬佩奥国务卿在联合国安理会发表讲话https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2019/01/288601.htm
“We hope that the international community will support the people of Venezuela and the transitional government led by Juan Guaido. On January 23rd, Guaido declared himself interim president of Venezuela in accordance with Venezuela’s own constitution. He made this declaration with the full support of the National Assembly and of the Venezuelan people. Our nations must stand up for the rule of law and support the leader who the Venezuelan people have affirmed as their legitimate interim president. It is our hope that free and fair elections happen as soon as possible… Today we call on all members of the Security Council to support Venezuela’s democratic transition and interim President Guaido’s role in it.” Secretary Pompeo addressing the United Nations Security Council, New York, January 26, 2019
Link: https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2019/01/288601.htm
美国国务卿蓬佩奥重申美国支持在委内瑞拉尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)社会主义政权统治下的受害者。