
2019年02月28日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

加拿大滑铁卢国际数学竞赛是由国际部张主任于2011年引入,旨在培养学生数学学习兴趣,为大学申请奠定基础,至今已参加7届学生,成绩优异。在竞赛中学生们取得了优异成绩。新学期伊始,加拿大高中的同学们早已备战,开始了今年的加拿大滑铁卢数学竞赛。2月27日,上午四十分同学们准时来到test room教室参加此次全球同步的数学竞赛。大家按照监考老师的指令填写了答题卡上的参赛学生信息,随后监考老师打开密封的全英文数学竞赛试卷并且分发给了在场的考生。考试期间,大家都非常认真地进行思考和计算,争取可以获得一个理想的成绩。

Math competition of Waterloo University was introduced by Director Zhang of International Division in 2011. The aim is to cultivate students' interest in mathematics study and lay the foundation for college application. It was a seven-consecutive-year competition taken part in by students. Students have achieved outstanding results in the competition. At the beginning of the new semester, students of Canadian High School are fully prepared for it. On 27th February , the contestants came to test rooms for the globally simultaneous math contest. First, the students filled out their personal information in the answer sheets. Then, the invigilators opened the sealed contest paper and handed the paper out to the students. During the contest, all the students exerted their full potential into analysis and calculation to achieve ideal grades.


Math competition of Waterloo University is organized by Waterloo University. Waterloo University was founded in 1957. On the Maclean's university list, Waterloo University has been taking a leading position for five consecutive years. Waterloo University has the only one department of mathematics. The Department of Mathematics of Waterloo University is one of the most significant in North America even all over the world. It opens various courses including computer science, actuarial method, biology technology, math for accounting, math for business management etc. Annually, the university deals with more than 1.05 million applications, while only 100 can get the offer. The university has a set of fair rules of accepting. Waterloo University applied an integrated examination as early as 1963. The examination has won an international reputation and has become the core competition ability for students. And this exam is an important evaluation for the Department of Mathematics of Waterloo University and software engineering and also for scholarship application.

本次有32名学生参加滑铁卢卡雷竞赛(Carley Contest)和11名学生参加费马竞赛(Fermat Contest),祝愿同学们能取得优异的成绩。

There are 32 students taking part in Carley Contest and 11 for Fermat Contest. All the best wishes for them.

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