本周在冰岛期间,国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥被问及各国要如何与中国共事时表示:“在那些中国人只是为了竞争而出现的地方,我们认为这是非常合理的。它不是一个遏制战略,而是说要睁大双眼,并确保各国与中国正在达成的交易实际上有利于参与其中的国家。” 更多内容:https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/secretary-pompeo-interview-with-thora-arnorsdottir-of-ruv/
While in Iceland this week, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo was asked about how nations can work with China, “Where the Chinese show up simply to compete, we think this is very reasonable. It’s not a containment strategy but one that says eyes wide open and make sure that the deals that countries are entering into with China actually benefit the countries that engage in them.