
2019年02月23日 美国驻华大使馆

227周三 18:30  电影《伟大辩手》放映及美国传统黑人学院和大学资源介绍

Wednesday,February 27, 18:30   Black History Month: The Great Debaters andEducation Opportunities of America’s HBCU’s

本次上海美国中心的黑人历史月系列活动中,我们将会放映电影《伟大辩手》(TheGreat Debaters)。该片取材自真人真事,背景设在20世纪30年代的德州,黑人在学校、住区、公共交通、就业、婚姻等方面受到残酷的隔离和歧视。一支来自黑人高校的辩论队在教练、同时也是诗人托尔森带领下,一步步成长为顶尖的辩论选手,最终迎战全美辩论冠军哈佛大学辩论队。放映现场,我们请到了美领馆外交官、也是毕业于美国传统黑人学院和大学(Historically Black Colleges andUniversities, HBCU)其中一所的 Rachel Washington,来介绍剧情并带领观众讨论,话题包括中国学生在美国传统黑人学院和大学的教育机会。在Rachel 长达十年的美国国务院工作经历中,她曾两次在中国就任,分别在广州和上海。在华盛顿工作时,她负责为西非和南非的美国公民提供帮助,并曾作为志愿者在国际危机发生后寻找美国公民,包括2011年的日本大地震。Rachel对中国历史文化的喜爱开始于2011年在昆明的学习经历,此后她还在西安做过英语老师,这些都发生在她加入美国国务院成为外交官之前。Rachel拥有位于田纳西州孟菲斯的里默恩欧文学院(HBCULeMoyne-Owen College)的学士学位和美国大学(American University)的国际关系硕士学位。《伟大辩手》适合任何年龄段的人观看,它传达出这样一个观点,对年轻人进行正确教育是消除种族歧视的关键之一。影片长126分钟,英文对白,英文字幕。

On February 27, 2019, the Shanghai American Center invites you to commemorateBlack History Month with a screening of the film,
The Great Debaters. Based on a true story, the filmhighlights the extraordinary talent and determination of black college debatestudents to excel in the 1930s Jim Crow, segregated South. The teams coach, poet Melvin B. Tolson, leadsthem to become some of the best debaters in the nation who compete withnational debate champions from Harvard University. Rachel Washington, who is aU.S. Diplomat and proud graduate of one of Americas Historically Black Colleges orUniversities (HBCU), will introduce the film and lead the audience discussion,including education opportunities for Chinese students to study at Americas HBCUs. Over the course of her 10-yearcareer with the U.S. Department of State, Rachel has served two tours in China(Guangzhou and Shanghai).  She also worked in Washington D.C. where sheassisted U.S. citizens in West and southern Africa and volunteered on taskforces to locate American citizens following international crises, such asJapans 2011 earthquake-tsunami. Rachels love for Chinese history andculture began in 2001, when she studied in Kunming.  She later returned toChina to teach English in Xian, all prior to joining the ForeignService.  Rachel earned her Bachelors from the HBCU LeMoyne-OwenCollege, in Memphis, TN.  She also holds a Masters in International Relations fromAmerican University. The Great Debaters is suitable viewing for all agesand imparts that educating future generations is one critical element in thefight to eradicate racism. The movie is 126 minutes long and is in English withEnglish subtitles.



This event will be conducted in English. 


*You must bring a valid physical photo ID (national ID, driver
s license, or passport) in order toenter the Shanghai American Center. Copies or pictures of IDs will not beaccepted.  Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow enough timefor security screening. 


*Please make sure the name used to register for the event matches the name onyour ID.


*Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center,and we are unable to provide storage.


*Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Consulate Shanghai PressOffice.

上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540室




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