#美中40年# #历任美国总统访华# 特朗普总统首次访问中国

2019年03月15日 美国驻华大使馆

(Photo: @AP Images) 


美国总统唐纳德∙特朗普(Donald Trump)作为总统首次访问中国是在2017年11月出访亚洲五国期间。特朗普先生向习近平展示了他的外孙女阿拉贝拉∙库什纳( Arabella Kushner)用普通话演唱歌曲和背诵中文古诗的视频。

习近平在看了阿拉贝拉的表演后夸奖她可以得到 A+的分数,还鼓励她早日来中国参观。

习主席亲自接待特朗普总统和第一夫人梅拉尼亚∙特朗普( Melania Trump)游览了紫禁城,之后两国元首夫妇观看了京剧和杂技演出。特朗普总统 在演出结束后说:“表演太精彩了!”



U.S. President Donald Trump’s first trip to China as President took place during a five-country tour of Asia in November 2017.  Trump’s visit included a meeting with President Xi and a State Dinner.  

Mr. Trump showed Mr. Xi a video of his granddaughter Arabella Kushner singing in Mandarin and reciting classical Chinese poetry. In response to Arabella’s performance, Mr. Xi said she is worthy of an A+ and encouraged her to visit China soon.  

President Xi personally gave President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump a tour of the Forbidden City, and then the two first couples watched Chinese opera and an acrobatic display.  “That’s something!” President Trump said after the show, as he and Mr. Xi walked away, adding, “We’re having a great time.”  

Here the Presidents and First Ladies are pictured with opera performers on November 8, 2017.

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